By: Sutton Coffey
& Kailee Segarra
This assignment was by far my favorite of the semester. I got to choreograph a duet and perform it with one of my classmates, Kailee, and the entire phrase of movement we created had to be translated into two motif scores and floor plans. I found that physically drafting the movement as a physical copy helped immensely for me to clarify the choreography I was working with. Taking this extra step allowed me to identify the specific levels and dimensions to the dance and allowed me to experience it more fully. Therefore, I felt significantly more confident with the performance of this piece.
Also, I tend to learn better with visuals, so the floor plans we created with this dance was very helpful to codify the traveling movement to the layout of the space. This provided a clarity of the movement to me as a performer; and, as a viewer, I get a greater sense of the underlying structure under the free-flowing, circular movement. That is, the weight of our bodies and the paths they take in the space. Furthermore, I think that writing this and the motif score after having set choreography challenged both Kailee and I to use all of the LMA tools we have learned in class to notate it.