I centered my documentary around my friend, Sarah, who is currently studying art at The Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. Being from West Tennessee, she is accustomed to the abundance of gardens and forests accessible there. Even before college, she has expressed an affinity for raising plants and basking in the comfort of Mother Nature's green Earth. This is her story of the slow, progressional metamorphosis of her dorm room into a plant nursery and her emotional connection to nature.
"The Philodendron Philosophy (2017)"
Dance Film
"Oh Sheet (2017)"
This is my first attempt making a dance film. I actually had a lot of fun piecing audio and video together during this process. While editing, I found that I wanted more footage and a wider variety of angles to create clean transitions, but overall, I liked the artistic choices I made.

Dance Film
"The Dirt Under My
Fingernails (2017)"
My second try at dance film but this time with my friend, Margaret Garland. we were asked to find a space and to explore the area with our bodies through film. We were drawn to the area for the geometry of the railways and the monochromatic color scheme. Because we were discouraged to use the commonly-used stairwells, Maggy and I tried to find unconventional ways to explore the space. Also, a lot of new ideas were conceived because there were two minds working together on this project. We then linked this dance video to a QR code, which we printed out and hung up at the same stairwell we used for the video so that a curious audience could witness our work-- with the help of a QR reader.